Futari wa pretty cure max heart
Futari wa pretty cure max heart

futari wa pretty cure max heart

Yaruru ( ヤルル, Yaruru ?): Yaruru is a creature of darkness from the Garden of Moon, whose powers are directly connected with Cure Shadow's powers.Sharpple can take the form of the Fierce Muse when he is on earth. Sharpple ( シャープル, Shāpuru ?): Sharpple is the prince of darkness who came to earth to find his new path, that has nothing to do with his responsibilities as prince of darkness.Lulun can give the Heartiel Brooch to Shiny Luminous.

futari wa pretty cure max heart

She thinks of Pollun as her older brother and always annoys him. Lulun ( ルルン, Rurun ?): The Princess of Light who can connect with the future.He is also the transformation device for Hikari to transform into Shiny Luminous. He lives with Nagisa and annoys her and Mepple to a great extent. He is extremely selfish and usually only thinks of himself. Pollun ( ポルン, Porun ?): The Prince of Light who is sent to be with Pretty Cure in the second half of the first season.Unlike Mepple, she is reserved and seems to get along well with her care-taker, but she still cares very much for him. Mipple ( ミップル, Mippuru ?): The Princess of Hope, and also in Honoka's care.He is quite arrogant and constantly argues with with his care-taker, but he loves Mipple, and they are often seen having a "lovey-dovey" relationship. Mepple ( メップル, Meppuru ?): The chosen protector of the Princess of Hope, and is in Nagisa's care.Her alter ego is Cure Shadow ( キュアシャドー, Kyua Shadō ?). But Akari is also very clumsy and hates to accept that. She is fiery about everything and always wants to be the best. Akari is an energetic but also very cold young girl. Kuroha Akari ( 黒波 あかり, Kuroha Akari ?): Akari is a new transfer student at Verone Academy, who recently transferred to Nagisa and Honoka's class.Her alter ego is Shiny Luminous ( シャイニルミナス, Shaini Ruminasu ?). Hikari is sweet and gentle and always thinks of others. Although technically not a Cure, she has special powers that aid the girls while fighting. Kujou Hikari ( 九条ひかり, Kujou Hikari ?): A mysterious girl who is later revealed to be the life of the disappeared Queen.Her alter ego is Cure White ( キュアホワイト, Kyua Howaito ?). She lives with her grandma since her parents travel a lot. She has a lot of hope and can always see the good in people. However, the friends that she does have are very close to her, and she will do everything to protect them. Though popular with the boys, she has no interest in them and is rather asocial in a formal manner. She is the president of the Science Club. Yukishiro Honoka ( 雪城ほのか, Yukishiro Honoka ?): Honoka is the best student in the class, and loves reading books and science.Her alter ego is Cure Black ( キュアブラック, Kyua Burakku ?). She's a scatter-brained glutton who loves Akane's takoyaki. Although she is bad at school and is immature, she has her own sense of justice and never lets anyone dear to her down. She is the captain of the school's lacrosse team and is very popular. Misumi Nagisa ( 美墨なぎさ, Misumi Nagisa ?): Nagisa is the athletic heroine of the series.List of Episodes Fairy Rewrites: Futari wa Pretty Cure Max Heart Episodes Characters Pretty Cures

Futari wa pretty cure max heart